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Grow Your Creativity

Creativity helps you to share your ideas and amplifies your voice. When you create time to explore creativity, you will find out that at the core of creativity there's that unique voice that the world awaits to hear.

What can you do?

When you want to grow your creativity, take the time to challenge yourself. Think out side the box, brainstorm new ideas, learn new skills, sit and study. Above everything else push your reasoning power and questioning abilities. Take the time to learn, because the most important skill is to learn to learn. If you learn, then you must see and read. When you see, you find wisdom, and you understand and share knowledge. Readers see, and readers are leaders. They see what others don't see, and read even a situation or matter that others have no clue about. Only a few things are written in black and white, the rest you must see...


You may wonder, and ask how I learned to be creative? One skill I use is observation. I just don't look, I see. I perceive and comprehend each subject I explore. Seeing helps me to draw, paint, write, speak, act, and many other skills I have. Seeing forces me to keep my ideas fresh and diversified. Seeing makes you an inexhaustible treasure.

Here’s how I use observation:

  1. Exercise seeing by deep observation.

  2. I identify an object or subject of study.

  3. Then I find a way I want describe it (write, paint, illustrate, etc)

  4. I exhaust my ideas and then create something knew from my observation.

  5. Creativity helps you to share your ideas and amplifies your voice. When you create time to explore creativity, you will find out that, at the core of creativity; is the voice that the world awaits to hear.


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