calm and collected, assured and graceful, stand with...
Confidence in God, self and in the dreams you hold feel a sense of assurance that will not go away A knowing that the Master has your back in spite of....
In that confidence you stand and you believe That what he has began, he will finish; because it is good.
Wear confidence, stand and rise
Dare to wear confidence
Dare to be you and nothing else
Just you You must deny to be denied
You must cut against the grain In perfect calmness stand knowing he's so near
You're not alone
In confidence you stand
You awaken
You rise!
You feel the Spirit breathing on you Whirling up a well of strength Stirring up your confidence; letting you know you can't fail Neither can you fall because he won't let you
You stand and you arise
Embrace love
Take in the moment, ummh!
Awaken and Rise
Muka, muka iwe muka!
Touched by a cooling stream of peace, You know he will do it again One more time, he will come through for you And you stand with an uncompromising conviction Persuaded that there is no other out-come But the victory that you see and embrace
In confidence you stand
Awakened and rising!